Backup & Security

Computer Security

Computer Security - One of the most common ways your IT network can be compromised is by viruses, malware and unwanted programmes gaining access through internet usage, email, and USB drives being used on individual computers.

Educate Your Employees on Cyber Security

One of the best things you can do as a business to mitigate the risk of a cyber attack is to edcate your employees. Below is a few tips but we are happy to provide full training or our best practice guides as required.

  1. Ensure all computers are protected with market-leading anti-virus, anti-spam, malware, and ransomware solutions. There are many products in the market now that don't adversely affect performance of the individual PC. If the solution displays pop-up messages, it is important to educate employees to follow these intstructions and not see the software as a hinderance to working. It is also important to ensure your solutions are renewed so you remain protected.
  2. Be careful of the websites you access. There are levels of security when it comes to websites. Some are black-listed, some are known as 'phishing' websites which are fake spoofed web addresses for legitimate websites, others have let their security certificate lapse. If your operating system or anti-virus warns you about accessing a website, my advice would be not to continue. If you know the company well, drop them a line to let them know their security certificate needs updating. For more information about phishing websites please check here:
  3. Be vigilant about the emails you open. Phishing emails are the same as phishing websites: they are designed to look like they come from a legitimate source in order to gain information from you. Take a look at the sender email by hovering over the email address with your mouse or clickiing on the address only on your smartphone. You are likely to see that the HMRC or Paypal part is only an alias and there is another fake email address underneath. If you are unsure about an email, always err on the side of caution and don't open it,. Also never open an attachment from a sender you don't recognise. Most email platforms allow a preview pane which you can turn on and see enough information without having to open the email itself.
  4. Be wary of any emails requesting immediate payments. A local business bank confirmed with us the substantial increase they have also seen in hackers sending internal emails seemingly from colleagues asking for immediate payments. Be very wary of any immediate demands for payments and do what our Finance Manager has been asked to do and text the colleague requesting it to ensure it's legitimate. A business we work with got in touch with us after they made a payment of tens of thousands to a new bank account believing it was a supplier when it was a hacker.
  5. Encourage people to always speak out. If someone has opened that email or gone on that website and they know something is wrong, you need to know as soon as possible so it is best to create a culture that encourages people to speak up without retribution. You need to ensure you have a disaster recovery plan in place and we can work with you to get you operational again within 24 hours. The sooner we all know, the quicker we can act and the less damage the hackers can do.

We Offer a Full Cyber Security Audit

If you are interested in our computer security solutions, please call our Leamington office on 01926 452 462.


"Emerald has become our go-to for all our technology requirements. If we think we need to address an issue, we contact them and explain, and they suggest a solution not only for immediate use, but also looking at the longer term picture for our business too.
They keep a constant eye on our systems and usage and suggest when appropriate courses of action should be taken to enhance our working environment"


"In the past, we had experienced problems with IT companies who had the ability over promise and under deliver.

This was not the case with Emerald. Emerald are now our trusted partner for all of our IT support needs. They offer honest, impartial advice that is delivered in a language even the novice can understand.

Having one number that our team can call with any IT or telephone concerns makes such a difference, especially when this is backed up with prompt resolution."

Richard Hall - Inn Express

"We've been working with Emerald for many years and their support has been invaluable on all aspects of IT from maintenance of systems & phones to new purchases and solutions.

Emerald are professional and their services are precise and innovative where needed. Their customer support is outstanding. Highly recommended."

Jeryl Stone - Hitchman Stone

"When your whole business rests on a cloud-based system, having a flexible, cost-effective, secure, and well- maintained solution is what helps you sleep better at night. That's what Emerald is here for"

Leech & Co Solicitors Data Centre Backup

If you would like a no-obligation chat on the Computer Security options, please do get in touch.

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